Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Don't quit

My sister gave me this poster about 2 years back when things were not working out so great for me personally as well as professionally..i dont know who wrote this poem ..but whenever i have been down reading it has always made me look on the positive side of things..:)
so here's the poem
Don't quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you are travelling seems all uphill,
when you are feeling low and the stress is high,
and you want to smile but you have to sigh,
when worries are getting you down a bit,
rest if you must but dont ever quit.

Success if failure turned inside out,
a silver lining in the clouds of doubt,
you never can tell how close you are-
it may be near when it seems so far,
so trust in you when you are hardest hit...
its when things go wrong that you must not quit..:)

iam just quoting this poem from my memory so i might have missed something or have rephrased a bit..but throughout the poem i see the beauty of not giving up on your dreams...
and working hard for it..



aria said...

Nice poem Jeenu.
Just wanted to share one quote from Emily Dickinson.

"Luck is not chance, it's toil; fortune's expensive smile is earned."
So - one should never quit n keep the spirits flying!

Thanu said...

Great Poem, aren't sisters great, they know exactly what to when you feel down/happy/sad/crazy.


jeenu said...

hey aria
great quote...
yes sisters are great..i can say that from personal experience..even though they fight with u over petty things..:)
u cant ask for any great friend than ur sister...:D
PS.hope my sis does not read this..hehehehehe...dont want to put her in cloud nine ;)

Rays Of Sun said...

Hey Jeens,

My best friend in India gave me this poster too when in 12th std:)

Nandya said...

i never got this poster....ok whos gifting me this poster...though that doesnt make the person my sister, now does it....

vi said...

Hi Jeenu
I had that poster when I was in school read univ. A friend gave it to me!
Totally agree with you on sisters being the BEST...but like you said I would never say that to her in person hehehe (trying not to laugh out loud someone might here me!)


Ginkgo said...

yeehh...ther a quite a few of this inspirational quotes around...:-)

and almost all of them seem very well written and inspiring..


jeenu said...

hey ROS and Vi
seems like we have some interesting ppl in our lives who dont want us to quit on anything ..;)
iam sure u dont need this poster..hehehe..after all u have this never say die spirit....first Vi now ffbw....get my drift...:))
huh Gi
now here i was expecting some thing that will make me fall from my chair with laughter and a i get this....
some one is losing his touch ;)

Ginkgo said...


I tht I'll be politically correct for a change :-)

There are 2 ways to fall down of ur chair, one- I push u down..which happens often
and second, u expect to be pushed down, and when that doesnt happen, u dont believe it and push urself down, just to make sure things are normal..

This is the second category :-)

jeenu said...

lol gi
see now u r back like sachin is back in the cricket team..waiting to see if he will
well seems like dude u r stuck in houston figuring out a,b,c's.....

Nandya said...

LOL...u are blasphemous....but dont say i didnt try for Jeenu...u didnt give me any kya karta u joining me at Niagara then...

jeenu said...

hey nandu
man..u need to focus..trying is the key..but focussing a little bit longer on the stuff u r trying get might actually get u the stuff...:D
def would not mind going to niagra..if u will buy my flight tickets to and from VA ;)

Ginkgo said...

ah somebody dropped Vi like a hot cake and goin after Jeenu...
or am I wrong...trying to have both at the same time:-)

vi said...

Thanks for pointing that out, COL (that is crying out loud for those of you who don't know)!
Seems like I have to try my luck elsewhere...Vishal...Vishaaal wait up!!!

(Sorry Jeenu using your blog to have some fun!!!)

Nandya said...

ha ha ha ha funny busineess going on here...a honest sincere guy cant even make a innocent comment without getting hassled like this. all i said those who are interested are most welcome to join me at Niagara falls,....nandya making a very sincere face...:)))

Bhole said...


My room-mate had the same poster in his room....

I like this one...

Never Ever Giveup


jeenu said...

hey Vi
feel free to use up the blog space...iam also having fun reading the comments :)
now that poster is too cool..i really liked the strangling frog ..:)) it got me off to a good start this morning..:D
well seems like u r sponsporing tickets to all the junta interested in going to niagra..very very generous of you...
i guess not everyone can multi task like u..u need to educate poor nandu on that..;)

Ginkgo said...

u mean ur Nandu 'bro' :-))

jeenu said...

hey Gi
i never said that nandu was my "BRO" for that matter i never did say he was not ;)

Ginkgo said...

I’ll wait till Next rakhi..

But then u will have to tell me the story the next day after that..
Cause I wont be Visible on tht day..

jeenu said...

hey Gi
dontcha worry if i want to find u i will...:))(evil laugh..)