Sunday, May 14, 2006

when you have a bad day...

Let's just say if this weekend was erased out i will be happy and i cant believe iam saying that...the previous week has not gone great at all what with my budda snapping at me and basically telling me that i need to get more work done.."common budda.." i felt like screaming " i have been working my tail off for almost last 3 months i have not taken any weekend off ..worked atleast 12 hours minimum each day..and all i get from you is work hard..i might as well shift to my lab why waste money paying rent for an aparment that i mostly come and see at night." but ofcourse being me i did not scream at him..actually in that one hour tirade i hardly got more than 2 secs inbetween to say "Huh" "yes" "No" and finally when i thought i can speak he got a call and he dismissed me..i waited for 5 mins outside his room to see if he will get free but he did not and i walked off feeling very miserable..

i came to US leaving my family behind and sacrificing so many things because i knew that this is what i want to do i want to get my PhD for last 4 years my life has revolved around my work everything is adjusted to it..i have not been to india mainly because taking a month off might hinder my research..and now to hear my budda say that i need to work hard and i need much better time management just got on my nerves and not to forget the fact for last month and half i have not been able to sleep for more than hour at night ..oh i sleep alright but it is so restless that i hardly get any rest..

Anyways this weekend was something i was looking forward too and here iam sitting at my desk sunday morning actually more tired and more lost..i am just getting mad at me for feeling like this now..just cant wait for this week to start.

a very frazzled


Ananth said...

Ah, We all have a bad day...Believe me it is more painful in the industry than in the academia (at least to me). So i guess the only way is to pull it off...As they say "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.."

vi said...

oh Jeenu honey, hang in there...your budda is probably taking his anger from somewhere else on you...believe me i know how you feel...

And When it will be Dr. Jeenu, this will all seem worthwhile :)

Take care


Rays Of Sun said...

Dont worry Jeens. U know how these people are right? I know its easier said than done. Unless u have bad days..U wont know how good days taste like:-)
Also, I have realized that slogging ur ass off and not taking weekends off..just makes u more frazzled. This I concluded when for the past one year..all I have done is work n more work and did not get good results. Its summer time, get out of the sure it will refresh you more than anything else in the world!
Here's wishing you warm sunny days ahead:_)

Nandya said...

hey chin up girl...i hear ya....hope u are feeling better...take care....

aria said...

Bad day .. eh ..?
But they don't stay ..
It gonna surely get better. The buddas are there - always to crib. Don't let them put you down.
Hope things improved and you had a bright day today.
Take Care

jeenu said...

hey everyone
thanks for your comforting words..iam feeling much better now since i guess all the venting was done ..
anyways i know bad days come and go hopefully the next one is long time in comming but with good buddies like u all iam sure it would not be problem next time :D

so anto, Vi, ROS, nandu and aria
thanks so much :)

love u all
a very cheerful but tired

Ginkgo said...

arey Jeenu,

Like they have been doing to Arjun singh..

have a doll @ home Name it as ur 'Budda' and keep pricking him :-)

Voodoo any one:P